Our associates’ Eligibility program will help you to verify insurance eligibility in real time or batch mode. Depending on payer capability, you will have immediate access to:
Verify subscriber and dependent coverage
Determine coverage effective dates
Confirm copay, deductibles and remaining deductibles
Payers vary in terms of the membership information returned, but in many cases the information can assist you in determining the patient’s out-of-pocket responsibility due at time of service.
Due to associates’ excellent eligibility program it has its own unique process of eligibility verification submission, we attain a much higher “found” rate than other clearinghouses
Eliminate a leading cause of claim denials
Save staff time
Receive a response in less than a minute in real time mode
Through our associates’ eligibility program, they have built-in added flexibility in how response information is displayed, and can be customized to an office or user's preference. This feature helps organize and make responses easier to understand and view. An optional patient payment estimator and medical necessity verification product are also available with our solutions.